Monday, November 3, 2008

Long Time, No Blog

It has been awhile since I have updated on my mom's mission. I will try to recap some of the highlights that she has shared with us.

*Mom and Joyce have been doing lots of humanitarian/compassionate service work over the last few weeks. They got approval to paint two sisters houses that are in desparate need of some help. As they painted one of the sisters houses last week they had the privilege of some extra company--mice. My mom said the mice just run freely around the house, doesn't really phase anyone. They are now also going to replace this same sisters ceiling and put in new ceiling tiles. They are nervous that they may be exposed to the Haunta Virus--hopefully they can hold their breath the whole time!!! After the painting was done mom also took the time to wash all the dishes in this entire house. She said it looked like the dishes hadn't been washed in about 100 years. She said the water would be filthy after washing 2 or 3dishes and she was constantly having to get clean water.

*Mom and Joyce will beging their after school tutoring program this Tuesday. They will do it every tuesday, wednesday, and thursday. This is going to be hard work, but I think this will be such a rewarding experience.

*Mom and Joyce have been bringing a 16 year old girl to church with them for a while. She has decided to be baptized next Sunday!! They went to visit her at her home the other day and I guess it is not a very good enviroment that she lives in. I am sure it will be and has been difficult for her to make this decision. What a strong spirit she must have!

*Mom's branch will have their first ever Enrichment Night this Wednesday. Mom and Joyce planned it and showed the RS presidency how it is done. Hopefully they will continue with these nights and will be able to plan their own. Such small things that we take for granted.

*The building where the Chester Branch meets is in an old hospital that they now use as a community health center. Mom says the cockroaches in the building are as big as small mice---AAAAAHHHHH!

*Mom and Joyce have been working hard trying to teach the RS Presidency about how to conduct and run the meeting. They are trying to prepare the room on Sunday and bring pictures that tie into the lesson. The branch has no easels so luckily Joyce has that creative mind and she created some of her own!! Something I found funny, they had to ask the RS President to please stand when she conducts and to keep her SHOES on!!!

*On a bit of a more relaxing note, Mom and Joyce got to spend a P day at Valley Forge. She was supposed to send pictures, but they got lost.

Please keep mom in your thoughts and prayers! We love and miss you mom!

The only picture that I have gotten is from a zone conference with Elder Hafen